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090409 – O-lift Cert/Strength Cycle/Paleo Challenge

So tonight I’m heading down to San Diego for the Crossfit Olympic Weightlifting certification with Coach Mike Burgener.  After doing the 1 day clinic with Sage, I can’t wait to see what I can learn from the man himself.  It will be a great weekend, and I will likely come back sore and destroyed.  I hope to get some good insight on technique that I can use to help everyone I train with on our USAW team.  Excited? you bet.

Starting Monday after I get back – we’re actually moving away from the Bulgarian Cycle and will be doing a lot more strength work.  We will be starting a 4 week strength cycle that incorporates some high heart rate post-practice mini-wods.  It’s exactly what I’m looking for, and should be a blast to go through it.  The one ‘downside’ is that my Fridays are programmed, which means no Happy Hour.  It’s frustrating to see my times get caught, whether they’re older or newer, b/c I always feel like I can do better and reclaim or come close to reclaiming my spot wherever it was on the board.  However, for the next 4 weeks, it’s pure strength cycle.  The intention is to come back with a vengeance, and smash all my old times anyways. 

So on the monday after my birthday, a few of us started a gluten free paleo challenge, with consequences so dire that we would understand, even in completely drunken stupor, that gluten shouldn’t be touched until Halloween, the day which we will eat and drink like gods.  Poor, beer drinking gods.  It was originally Pat (Voltron), Danae, Chris L (the Loo) and myself… and has spread to include Katya, San Nicolas, Jose, Shelly, Kristanna, Shannon, Perla, Babs, and… I know I’m missing others. 

The rules are:
– no gluten until halloween.  period.
– dairy once every other week is allowed during the week’s cheat meal
– one cheat meal a week to include severe disproportioning or sugar
– alcohol is allowed in the form of liquor, wine or gluten free beer (GFB), but
     only if it’s counted against your carbs – which you should be monitoring
     to make sure that overall, you stay relatively balanced

Punishment is – 30 min of six-count burpees, with the non-cheaters counting the numbers.  I will post a video of a six-count burpee and what it entails later.  It will be continuous and on video.  If the cheater can’t continue, we will allow up to a five-minute break in which the clock stops before resuming the remainder of the 30 minutes.

If you’re interested in joining, but want to know more about the diets – Pat’s name (above) contains a link to his blog, under which he posted some useful links related to paleo and the detriments of gluten.

~ by apexaddict6 on September 4, 2009.

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